libethercat - an embeddable realtime EtherCAT-master library
Communicate with EtherCAT slaves attached to a Network interface.
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CecEthercat master structure
 Cec_coe_emergency_messageMessage queue qentry
 Cec_coe_sdo_descCanOpen over EtherCAT sdo descriptor
 Cec_eeprom_cat_dcEeprom distributed clocks settings
 Cec_eeprom_cat_fmmuEeporm fmmu description
 Cec_eeprom_cat_smEeprom sync manager settings
 Cec_fw_updateFirmware update
 Cec_init_cmdSlave mailbox init commands
 Cec_mbx_bufferEthercat mailbox data
 Cec_mbx_headerEthercat mailbox header
 Cec_messageMessage for asynchronous loop
 Cec_message_entryMessage queue qentry
 Cec_pdProcess data structure
 Cec_pd_groupProcess data group structure
 Cec_slave_fmmuSlave fielbus memory management unit (fmmu) settings
 Cec_slave_smSlave sync manager settings
 Cec_slave_subdevEtherCAT sub device
 Cec_soe_idn_attributeServoDrive attributes of an IDN
 Chw_commonHardware structure
 Cidx_entryIndex entry
 Cidx_queueIndex queue
 CpoolDatagram pool itself
 Cpool_entryPool queue entry