libethercat - an embeddable realtime EtherCAT-master library
Communicate with EtherCAT slaves attached to a Network interface.
No Matches
hw_common Struct Reference

hardware structure More...

#include <hw.h>

Data Fields

struct ecpec
 Pointer to EtherCAT master structure.
osal_uint32_t mtu_size
 mtu size
osal_mutex_t hw_lock
 transmit lock
pool_t tx_high
 high priority datagrams
pool_t tx_low
 low priority datagrams
pool_entry_ttx_send [256]
 sent datagrams
osal_size_t bytes_sent
 Bytes currently sent.
osal_size_t bytes_last_sent
 Bytes last sent.
osal_timer_t next_cylce_start
 Next cycle start time.
hw_device_recv_t recv
 \biref Function to receive frame from device.
hw_device_send_t send
 Function to send frames via device.
hw_device_send_finished_t send_finished
 Function to be called after frames were sent.
hw_device_get_tx_buffer_t get_tx_buffer
 Function to retreave next TX buffer.
hw_device_close_t close
 Function to close hw layer.

Detailed Description

hardware structure

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: