libethercat - an embeddable realtime EtherCAT-master library
Communicate with EtherCAT slaves attached to a Network interface.
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 coe.hEtherCAT coe functions
 common.hEthercat master common stuff
 datagram.hEthercat datagram
 dc.hEthercat distributed clocks support
 ec.hEthercat master functions
 eeprom.hEtherCAT eeprom access fuctions
 eoe.hEtherCAT eoe functions
 error_codes.hEthercat master error codes
 foe.hFile over ethercat fuctions
 hw.hHardware access functions
 hw_bpf.hBPF device hardware access functions
 hw_file.hFile/char device hardware access functions
 hw_pikeos.hPIKEOS device hardware access functions
 hw_sock_raw.hSOCK_RAW hardware access functions
 hw_sock_raw_mmaped.hSOCK_RAW hardware access functions
 idx.hEthercat index
 mbx.hEthercat mailbox common access functions
 mii.hEtherCAT MII access fuctions
 pool.hData pool implementation
 slave.hEtherCAT slave functions
 soe.hEtherCAT SoE functions